Inspired by true events, David Wagner’s acclaimed drama EISMAYER tells the story of a secretly gay Military officer whose tough façade conceals a clandestine double life. Sergeant Major Charles Eismayer (Gerhard Liebmann) is known and feared as the toughest training officer in the Austrian Armed Forces, ruthless with recruits and unwavering in his discipline, order and machismo. But when he unexpectedly starts to fall in love with Falak, a recruit who unashamedly embraces his homosexuality, Eismayer’s closeted existence is shaken to the core as he is forced to reconcile his fierce masculine identity with desire for another man.
Format: DVD9 PAL
Language: Austrian
Subtitles: English
Blu-ray Extras:
- Behind the Scenes Featurette
Also available On-Demand on PeccadilloPOD.